Saturday 4 October 2014

11. JP Morgan Chase Bank National Association

Despite not knowing much about the best banks in the world, readers out here can mostly agree that they’ve at least heard of JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase Bank National Association is a multinational banking service founded in America by one now famous J.P. Morgan. It’s no surprise how this bank has come to take over position number 12 as it is the largest bank in the United States with its total assets coming down to 1 945 467 US million dollars and its current capital being 1 785 US million dollars. 

JP Morgan Chase & Co New York Headquarters
JP Morgan Chase & Co (for short) is located in New York, New York with Jamie Dimon acting as its current Chairman, CEO and President. Its specialties include asset management, brokerage services and commercial banking, just to name a few, for big wig companies and even private wealth management for significant individuals. Besides their extremely professional business side, JP Morgan Chase & Co also sponsor major events like Major League Soccer, the US Open and sponsor the Chase Auditorium in Chicago, USA. 

Current CEO, Chairman and President, Jamie Dimon
With numerous towers all over the world, and numerous banking branches founded more than 60 countries in the world, and employing over 260 000 individuals, there is no doubt about JP Morgan Chase & Co’s position on the best banks list. Despite their fair share of controversies including corruption investigation and cyber attacks in various household accounts, JP Morgan Chase & Co have won numerous awards that have solidified their prestigious and professional status amongst the best banks in the world. Not only this but their socially responsible outlook have helped thousands including $5 million investments for unemployed youths, providing summer jobs and skills training; to committing funds to assist Detroit (who recently filed bankruptcy); to mentorship programs which they’ve named ‘The Fellowship Initiative’.

A JP Morgan Chase & Co Vestibule
With all thing considered, it’s no surprise that JP Morgan Chase Bank National Association has solidified their place at no. 12.

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