Sunday 28 September 2014

7. Barclays Bank

Founded in 1960 in London, England, Barclays is well renowned all around the world; this universal bank didn’t get to spot number seven by sitting around. Operating in retail, wholesale, investment banking and much more Barclays Bank is found in over 50 countries and territories and has a whopper number of 48 million happy customers.

Its current assets come down to 2 173 936 US million dollars with a current capital of 3 977.48 US million dollars (taken from their balance sheet from 31 December 2013). The current chairman is Sir David Walker along with Antony Jenkins playing a key role as Group Chief Executive. If their present financial achievements aren’t enough to convince you of why Barclays Bank is considered one of the ‘top dogs’, Barclays has won multiple awards from the ‘Enterprise Award’ at the Global Connect Conference (USA) to ‘Best Global Investment Bank’ at the Euromoney Awards for Excellence to a more recent award, Moneyfacts Award. 


Not only are Barclays recognised for their financial efforts, the number seven bank has long incorporated a more socially conscious outlook with their business, participating in causes all around the world. Their philanthropic work spans from bringing power to rural off-grid communities in Africa to helping small agricultural businesses. To further solidify their presence in bringing goodwill into the world, the bank has been recognised for their efforts through various wins at Business Charity Awards, Disability Forum awards and much more. 
From pleasing customer’s financially assisting them in their banking needs to providing support for the little guy, not many can question Barclays Bank’s position at number seven on the best banks of the world list.

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