Sunday 28 September 2014

8. JAPAN POST BANK Co Ltd (株式会社ゆうちょ銀行)

8. JAPAN POST BANK Co Ltd (株式会社ゆうちょ銀行)

"Reliable bank that is readily available with customers" is the Japan Post Bank's aim and philosophy. In 1875, the postal savings was introduced into Japan and operated as a government department until the postal service became privatization under the era of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. Bank was established on 1st of September 2006 as part of the Japan Post Holdings.
In November 2008, Japan Post Bank became the world's biggest deposit holder and offered a nationwide ATM network which can be used to withdraw money with international bank cards and credit cards in Japan.
Before 2009, Japan Post Bank wasn't connected to the Japanese Bankers Association (Zenginkyo) payment processing network which enabled to wire money directly between Japan Post and most other Japanese banks. Japan Bank joined into Japanese Bankers Association in January 2009 and became a full JBA member in October 2011.

Government-owned corporation


1 September 2006

Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan

Key people
Yoshiyuki Izawa (Chairman and CEO)
Syokichi Takagi (President and COO) 

Total assets
JPY 196 trillion (March 31, 2012)

Total equity
JPY 9.8 trillion (March 31, 2012)

12,963 (2014) 

Japan Post Holding Co., Ltd.

Overseas representative office
Europe, Middle East and Africa - United Kingdom
Asia and Pacific - Hong Kong

Japan Post Group

JP Post -
JP Insurance -
JP Bank -

Corporate Governance

  1. JAPAN POST BANK will be a company with committees, and establish the nomination, audit and compensation committees. Under the management meeting, it will also set up special committees, such as the risk management committee, the compliance committee and the ALM committee.
  2. JAPAN POST BANK will establish the inspection & audit department that is independent from departments to be audited, and this department will support the audit committee.
  3. JAPAN POST BANK will introduce the “integrated risk management” method, as well as the RCSA method against operational risks to implement quantitative and qualitative risk management according to risk characteristics.
  4. JAPAN POST BANK will establish a compliance supervisory office, where compliance officers will be assigned. It will also post personnel in charge of compliance at each office.
  5. JAPAN POST BANK will reinforce the system for managing and supervising the agent (JAPAN POST).

7. Barclays Bank

Founded in 1960 in London, England, Barclays is well renowned all around the world; this universal bank didn’t get to spot number seven by sitting around. Operating in retail, wholesale, investment banking and much more Barclays Bank is found in over 50 countries and territories and has a whopper number of 48 million happy customers.

Its current assets come down to 2 173 936 US million dollars with a current capital of 3 977.48 US million dollars (taken from their balance sheet from 31 December 2013). The current chairman is Sir David Walker along with Antony Jenkins playing a key role as Group Chief Executive. If their present financial achievements aren’t enough to convince you of why Barclays Bank is considered one of the ‘top dogs’, Barclays has won multiple awards from the ‘Enterprise Award’ at the Global Connect Conference (USA) to ‘Best Global Investment Bank’ at the Euromoney Awards for Excellence to a more recent award, Moneyfacts Award. 


Not only are Barclays recognised for their financial efforts, the number seven bank has long incorporated a more socially conscious outlook with their business, participating in causes all around the world. Their philanthropic work spans from bringing power to rural off-grid communities in Africa to helping small agricultural businesses. To further solidify their presence in bringing goodwill into the world, the bank has been recognised for their efforts through various wins at Business Charity Awards, Disability Forum awards and much more. 
From pleasing customer’s financially assisting them in their banking needs to providing support for the little guy, not many can question Barclays Bank’s position at number seven on the best banks of the world list.

6. Deutsche Bank AG

Founded in 1870, the Deutsche Bank AG, read literally as the "German Bank", is a German global banking and financial services company with its headquarters in the Deutsche Bank Twin Towers in Frankfurt. It has more than 100,000 employees in over 70 countries, and has a large presence in Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and the emerging markets. In 2009, Deutsche Bank was the largest foreign exchange dealer in the world with a market share of 21 percent.


The bank offers financial products and services for corporate and institutional clients along with private and business clients. Services include sales, trading, research and origination of debt and equity; mergers and acquisitions (M&A); risk management products, such as derivatives, corporate finance, wealth management, retail banking, fund management, and transaction banking.


The Deutsche Bank runs with a dual-CEO model so its German roots are not forgotten and to have an inhibiting effect on risk-taking activities. Deutsche Bank is listed on both the Frankfurt (FWB) and New York stock exchanges (NYSE).


In January 2014 it was reported that Deutsche Bank reported a €1.2 billion ($1.6 billion) pre-tax loss for the fourth quarter of 2013. This came after analysts had predicted a profit of nearly €600 million. Revenues slipped by 16% versus the prior year.


Revenue              €31.91 billion (2013)

Operating income €1.457 billion (2013)

Profit             €666 million (2013)

Total assets         €1.611 trillion (2013)

Total equity         €54.71 billion (2013)

Employees           98,219 (2013)



When Adolf Hitler came to power, instituting the Third Reich, Deutsche Bank dismissed its three Jewish board members in 1933. In subsequent years, Deutsche Bank took part in the aryanization of Jewish-owned businesses; according to its own historians, the bank was involved in 363 such confiscations by November 1938. During the war, Deutsche Bank incorporated other banks that fell into German hands during the occupation of Eastern Europe. Deutsche provided banking facilities for the Gestapo and loaned the funds used to build the Auschwitz camp and the nearby IG Farben facilities.


Deutsche Bank won the Euromoney 2014 Awards in the following categories:

Ø         Best Global Risk Advisor

Ø         Best Global Debt House

Ø         Best Investment Bank in Austria

Ø         Best Investment Bank in Belgium

Ø         Best Equity House in Germany

Ø         Best Debt House in Germany

Ø         Best Bank in Germany

Ø         Best Equity House in Spain

Ø         Best Investment Bank in Greece

Ø         Best Investment Bank in New Zealand

Ø         Best Flow House in Central Eastern Europe

Ø         Best Risk Adviser in Central Eastern Europe

Ø         Best M&A House in Central Eastern Europe

Ø         Best Investment Bank in Western Europe

Ø         Best Transaction Services House in Western Europe

Ø         Best Risk Adviser in North America

5. Bank of China

Bank of China Limited is one of the 5 biggest state-owned commercial banks in China. It was founded in 1912 by the then government to replace the imperial bank of China. It is the oldest bank in China still in existence. As at 2009, it was the second largest lender in China overall, and the 5th largest bank in the world by market capitalization value.
The bank is trading as a public company which was founded in Beijing, China (1912). The Key people of the bank are Xiao Gang who is the chairman, Li Lihui who is the president. The bank offers the following products and services; credit cards, consumer banking, corporate banking, finance and insurance, investment banking, mortgage loans, private banking, private equity, savings, securities, asset management, wealth management. The bank’s revenue is 413.10 billion Chinese yen as of 2011, with a net income of 124.18 billion Chinese yen as of 2011, total assets 11.829 trillion Chinese yen as of 2011. The owners of the bank include the government of the People’s Republic of China with over 288,000 employees as of 2011. The bank’s website is
As of June 7, 2006, following Hong Kong IPO, the ownership of the Bank of China was:
  • State administration of foreign exchange                                       69.265%
  • RBS China                                                                                      8.467%
  • AFH Pte Ltd                                                                                    4.765%
  • National council for social security fund                                        4.576%
  • UBS AG:                                                                                         1.366%
  • ADB:                                                                                               0.205%
  • Investors who received H shares from the Global Offering :         11.356%

It is the most international of China's banks, with branches on every inhabited continent. Outside of China, BOC also operates in 27 countries and areas including Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Russia, Hungary, United States, Panama, Brazil, Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Bahrain, Zambia, South Africa, and a branch office in the Cayman Islands. In December 2010, the Bank of China New York branch began offering RMB products for Americans. It was the first major Chinese bank to offer such a product. Although it is present in the above countries/territories, its operations outside China accounted for less than 4% of the activity of the bank by both profits and assets. Mainland China accounts for 60% of the bank by profits and 76% by assets as at December 2005.

Sunday 21 September 2014

4. Agricultural Bank of China Limited(ABC, 中国农业银行)

4. Agricultural Bank of China Limited(ABC, 中国农业银行)

Agricultural Bank of China Limited(ABC, 中国农业银行) is one of the largest banks in the world and ranked as number 4th for the best banks in the world, 2014.
This Agricultural Bank of China was established in 1951 and the headquarters in Dongcheng District, Beijing. Not only the China, be ABC has branches throughout the mainland China, Hong Kong, London, Tokyo, New York, Frankfurt, Sydney, Seoul and Singapore.
ABC went through a numerous form and abolishment since the establishment in 1951. 
The ancestors of ABC, Farmers Bank of China and Cooperation bank merged to form the Agricultural Cooperation Bank however this bank merged into central bank in 1952.
The first bank with the name of Agricultural Bank of China was established in 1955 however it was merged into central bank again in 1957.
In 1963, the Chinese government formed another agricultural bank however it didn't last more than two years and merged into central bank again.
Nowadays' Agricultural Bank of China was actually established in February 1979, restructured to form a holding company called Agricultural Bank of China Limited. 
It was listed on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges in July 2010.

Banking, Financial services 


Beijing, China 

Key people
Jiang Chaoliang (Chairman)
Zhang Yun (President) 

Finance and insurance
Consumer Banking
Corporate Banking
Investment Banking
Investment Management
Global Wealth Management
Private Equity
Credit Cards 

CN¥ 377.73 billion (2011)[1] 

Net income
CN¥ 121.95 billion (2011)[1] 

Total assets
CN¥ 11.677 trillion (2011)[1] 

Total equity
CN¥ 649.78 billion (2011)[1] 

Government of the People's Republic of China 46.6% 

444,238 (2012) 

The Bank had 23,472 domestic branch outlets, including the Head Office, the Business Department of the Head Office, three specialized institutions managed by the Head Office, 37 tier-1 branches (including branches directly managed by the Head Office), 348 tier-2 branches (including business departments of branches in provinces), 3,482 tier-1 sub-branches (including business departments in municipalities, business departments of branches directly managed by the Head Office and business departments of tier-2 branches), and 19,600 other establishments. 
Overseas branch outlets consisted of four overseas branches and five overseas representative offices. Major subsidiaries consisted of nine domestic subsidiaries and three overseas subsidiaries.
In 2012, the Bank ranked No. 84 in Fortune’s Global 500, and ranked No. 5 in The Banker’s “Top 1000 World Banks” list in terms of profit before tax for the year of 2011. In 2012, the Bank’s issuer credit ratings were assigned A/A-1 by Standard & Poor’s; the bank deposits ratings were assigned A1/P-1 by Moody’s Investors Service; and the long-/short-term foreign-currency issuer default ratings were assigned A/F1 by Fitch Ratings. The Bank’s outlook ratings assigned by the above credit rating agencies were “stable”.


In 2012, Hong Kong Branch is awarded “Caring Company” by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. It is also awarded charity medals by Liason Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong SAR.

3. BNP Paribas

“The bank for a changing world”

As the BNP Paribas motto implies, the third largest bank in the world is a financial service (founded in Paris, France) that serves the people and the ever changing world we live in. Considered amongst the largest banks in the world (measured by its current assets), BNP Paribas was founded in the year 2000 with its headquarters currently located in Paris, France while its global headquarters is located in London, England. The current CEO of BNP Paribas is Jean-Laurent Bonnafe and presently leads the company to focus on financially serving its global market through asset management, consumer banking, corporate banking, credit cards etc. 
BNP Paribas Headquarters in Paris, France

Its current assets come down to 2 474 078 million US dollars, and with its current capital at 36 849.92 million US dollars (as dictated by its most current balance sheet from the 31 December 2013). BNP Paribas’ numerous awards and achievements haven’t purely come about by chance and chance, but because of the banks hard work to spread its name and label throughout the world.

BNP Paribas bank branch
 In the last 14 years, BNP Paribas has successfully rooted itself amongst the great 14 markets, acting as a significant presence particularly in the Asia Pacific and European regions.   Not only this, but BNP Paribas currently holds the highest credit rating in the world as well as having impressively escaping the 2007-09 credit crisis. There is no question as to why BNP Paribas has climbed itself to its much well deserved number four position in the midst of the top banks of the world.